まだ見ぬ WiMAX。

先日、「少しは WiMAX は動き出してるのか?」などと書いたが、この記事によると、WiMAX の相互接続試験が延期された様子。

"WiMAX certification held up, but market remains hopeful"

The WiMAX Forum's so-called plugfest ― the process by which broadband wireless gear based on the IEEE's 802.16-2004 (formerly 802.16RevD) standard was to be subjected to interoperability testing that would result in it being certified WiMAX equipment ― scheduled for this month is now on hold. In addition, chipmakers like Intel and Fujitsu have yet to release the crucial silicon that will go into the customer premises equipment gear necessary to start interoperability testing.

今月予定されていた WiMAX による 802.16-2004 の相互接続試験が延期となった。また、インテル富士通といったチップメーカーもまだ WiMAX チップをリリースしていない。

At a conference last week held by the Wireless Communications Association, many broadband wireless equipment vendors were looking past fixed versions of WiMAX technology toward 802.16e, the version with mobility capabilities.

無線機器ベンダーの中には WiMAX からモビリティ機能を拡張した 802.16e に目移りしている人たちもいる様子。

(ただ、モビリティを確保したワイヤレス技術は 802.16e だけではなくて、802.20 も議論されているので、目移りしてもうまく行くかはわからないと思うんだけれど)

Gordon Antonello, senior technical adviser for broadband wireless equipment vendor Wi-LAN and chairman of the WiMAX Forum's technical working group, said the plugfest delays were caused by difficulties in selecting a testing lab and getting the lab equipped for the 802.16-2004 testing stack once the lab ultimately was selected ― the forum went with an independent facility located in Spain.


Antonello, however, expects that forum members will start using the lab's facilities in the second quarter of this year for initial rounds of certification testing and interoperability trials. While those rounds of tests will be done rather quietly, the WiMAX Forum is hoping it will take only one cycle of testing before vendors are ready for the public plugfest over the summer.

相互接続確認用の試験は今年の2Qから開始される可能性が高い様子。また、夏ごろには公開バージョンの相互接続試験 (plugfest) が開始されるかも……

ホントに WiMAX って普及するのかね……